SERP Snippet Generator

The title and description of your website sets you apart from your competitors in Google search results. With the SERP Snippet Generator you can optimize your snippets and get more visitors from Google.

Desktop Snippet
Mobile Snippet
0 / 70 characters 0px
0 / 160 characters 0px
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What is a SERP Snippet?

SERP snippets (also called Google snippets) define the preview of a search result in the Google search results (SERPs). The snippet consists of the title of the website, a short text preview and the URL.

It is the first and therefore most important point of contact between the searcher and your website. By optimising the SERP snippet, you can increase the click rate (CTR) of your results and get more visitors from Google.

How do I optimise my search snippets?

Without optimization, Google takes the title of your website and a part of the content selected by Google as a text preview. You should optimise the title as well as improve the text preview by adding a meta description.

The title and snippet should correctly reflect the content of your page and encourage the user to click on your hit. Some special characters increase attention to a result. You can find more about the content in our Ask SISTRIX article on the subject.

How long can a SERP snippet be?

The art of SERP snippet optimisation lies in making the best possible use of the available space. Google gives you different amounts of space in the desktop and mobile search results:

Titel: 580 pixels (desktop) and 920 pixels (mobile)
Description: 990 pixels (desktop) and 1300 pixels (mobile)

The SISTRIX SERP Snippet Generator shows you how much space you are already using with your texts and thus helps you to create the best possible snippet.

Further information about SERP Snippets